Sunday, 5 February 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product?

People are attracted to magazines due to their interests, fashion, style and their need for knowledge in certain worlds (celebrity, fashion, music). My magazine focuses on the world of music, it's aim is to reach out to those who listen to the particular genres of indie/rock. I tried to make this as clear as possible by maintaining a red and grey colour scheme as the red is powerful yet the grey is more neutral. This applies to the two different sides of my audience. The red will appeal to those who have confidence and will show their extrovert personality through a possible outrageous dress sense. However the grey will apply to those who are in it more for the music rather than having aspirations to dress like the artists.
My cover model isn't dressed outrageously however her pose displays attitude which conforms to my reasons above. My model looks about 18 years old which relates to my Target Audience further as they will be of a similar age group as my original TA was from 16-24 year olds. I've aimed to appeal to a conventionally younger audience as I feel the music in my magazine won't always appeal to an older audience. As  my audience is predominantly young adults they will most likely still be students or having part-time jobs therefore their social class would be C1,C2 or D.
Although my cover model is female my magazine aims to appeal to both boys and girls. Girls will most likely aspire to be like her whereas boys will find her look attractive. Her look is important to the magazine even though it's quite minimalistic. Her make-up and hair separates her from the genre of pop, as her eyes are heavily outlined, she isn't wearing any eye shadow to tone it down; which would be conventional on a pop magazine, therefore this adds to her rebellious attitude. In the corner of my magazine there is a smaller picture, this model is male and unconventionally is wearing white, however he is also wearing a grey slouchy hat and headphones which emphasise his indie fashion and his love for music. Again he is looking straight at the camera presenting a certain sense of attitude.
My audience will try and connect with my magazine on a more personal level and may turn to it for answers on how to present themselves. By using artists of a similar age to them on the front cover will help to reinforce their own image. The articles with my stars will contain anecdotes so that my audience can also connect with my stars emotionally and try and relate to their lifestyles. My stars will come across as real and down to earth as possible as they are still young and are still reasonably under the radar. Despite the fact that my main article is on a younger new star there will still be big well known artists in my magazine as my audience will have an interest for the mainstream bands too.

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